Welcome to the home of
Hall Stanley Premium Chestnuts
Grown & harvested with care in Stanley, North-east Victoria.

We're proud to be one of Australia's largest commercial Chestnut orchards.
Located in North-East Victoria's hamlet of Stanley and operated by Joy and Andrew Hall, Hall Stanley Premium Chestnuts is more than an orchard, it's a place of wonder.

Purtones Pride, De Coppi Marone, Red Spanish, Bouche de Betizac, Wandiligong Wonder, Maxwells, Sassafras Red, Early Brown & Buffalo Queen

> 4032 Chestnut Trees
> 28 Hectare Farm
> 75 tonne (Ave. Annual Harvest)
> 9 Chestnut Varieties Grown

Blink and you'll miss it! That's what they say about the small and charming hamlet of Stanley. Located high in the hills of North-East Victoria, not far from Beechworth, Stanley is home to a large proportion of Victoria's chestnut orchards, thanks to the region unique micro-climate that allows these majestic trees and their delicious nuts to flourish.

Meet the owners
Meet the husband and wife team who've put the 'Hall' into Hall Stanley Premium Chestnuts

The Hall Stanley Farm
One of Australia's largest commercial chestnut orchards

We are a family owned operation and our orchard recently celebrated its 40 birthday. Situated on the Stanley plateau at the base of Mt Stanley, it sits in a very picturesque area and enjoys a cool climate due to its high elevation, even through the weather can be very warm across summer. The property consists of 28 hectares (70 acres) of chestnut orchard and is home to approximately 4000 chestnut trees, made up of 9 varieties which cater for a wide range of market requirements. Importantly most of grown chestnut varieties are easy peel, making them very popular and practical for our buyers. Our annual harvest varies between 65 to 80 tonnes of chestnuts. Currently we sell all our crop here in Australia to the domestic market

Our vision:
The growing concern
To continually work towards improving the quality of our chestnuts and their presentation to the market place.
The chain begins with:
> Orchard management practises, through to harvesting
> Shed processing and storage,
> Packaging and delivery to customer.
We are committed to developing more user friendly ways of presenting/packaging chestnuts to the consumer.

It takes one to know one
We're nuts about chestnuts
We offer more than just premium chestnuts

Take a walk through our orchard and gardens
Weekend walks coming soon
When time permits (usually in spring) we open the farm gate, offering the opportunity to walk through our 4,000 tree chestnut orchard and learn about the annual farming cycle of growing and harvesting chestnuts as well as taking in the inherent beauty of our working farm. The walk also includes a stroll through 'Giff’s Garden', where you'll be uplifted by the explosion of spring colour in the mass of Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Camellias and Waratahs we have on the property. At the conclusion of our walks we usually offer the chance to sample small tastings of chestnut inspired food

Responsible, ethical farming
Good for you and the environment
Our operation utilises best practises for farm inputs and orchard management. Our emphasis is on soil health for healthy trees, with frequent mulching of organic matter and the use of organic fertilisers.
In Autumn the chestnuts are harvested either mechanically or manually, then once in the shed they are air legged to remove unwanted orchard floor matter, then washed and cooled prior to selling. We provide the consumer with a high quality product that has been handled ethically throughout all processes. We are also Fresh Care 4 certified

Chestnuts Australia Incorporated
We are proud and working members of CAI
Did you know 75% of Australian chestnuts are grown in the alpine region of North-East Victoria around the townships of Beechworth, Stanley, Bright, Mt. Beauty, Wandiligong and Myrtleford?
To learn more facts like this and importantly how to best prepare, cook and eat chestnuts we recommend you visit the Australian Chestnuts website.
The orchard & Giff's Garden
Our majestic chestnuts trees through the seasons
Let's talk chestnuts
We're always eager to talk chestnuts and how we can supply businesses high quality Australian grown produce. We're also happy to offer advice and information on growing, preparing and the best ways to eat chestnuts, as well general information about the industry and this delicious nut.
However, being a purely commercial operation we unfortunately don't offer farm gate sales (except by appointment).
Feel free to call us on (03) 5728 6557 or e-mail us should you like more information about purchasing, supply and our farm operation. Please be aware we're a farm in a remote location, therefore our response may not be immediate, especially during the harvest season in autumn, We will attend to you enquiry the moment we have a suitable opportunity.